Jul 4, 2007

Serious Traveling

Jim and I recently went on the longest two-engine flight in the world - Newark to Hong Kong - 16 hours in the air! It was crazy! Let's put that in our baby books! Everything went fine for both of us. My doctor suggested I wear compression hose to prevent blood clots in my legs. Sure, no problem! Wow! I have never experienced anything like those. I could barely get them on by myself!
We went on a mission trip to Thailand with our church from June 8th to June 21st and had an amazing time! We were able to help lead worship for a conference. Most of our trip was conference related, but we did get some free time as well. One of the extra things we did was go to an elephant camp where we rode an elephant! It was so fun! There were elephants everywhere bathing, eating, playing, etc. Here is a picture of us being hugged by a big hunk of love.
We spent the last 3 days of our trip in Hong Kong. Below is a picture of us on a boat ride with the city in the background. There were buildings like this EVERYWHERE!! It was wild!


The Millsaps said...

I found your blog from a blog, then another blog, then another and so on. Don't forget one of the highlights of your trip to Thailand...hanging out with me and 11 kids for 2 1/2 hours everyday! I couldn't have made it without you guys coming in everyday! It was a blast and so loved getting to know you! I will come back and visit your blog often. Congratulations on the baby too! That is very exciting!!


leigh ann said...

This so makes me wish we had been able to go to Hong Kong! That picture is gorgeous, as well as the one on Jim's blog.

We're so excited for you guys! LA