May 3, 2012

The BIG 4!

Hi there.  Yes, I know it's been a while since we last talked.  I'm here to catch you up.  It will come in pieces...let's start with January.  T turned 4 and she chose a Rapunzel themed party.  She had a great time and I had a lot of fun getting ready for the party.  With her b-day so close to Christmas, I never feel like I have enough time for planning.  This year I decided to have t pick out her theme before Christmas.  This worked out well although I was worried she would change her mind.  I'm glad I didn't have to deal with that!  Here are some pictures:

Tattoos...not just for kids!  Yes, there were adults to walk out with Rapunzel tatts!

This was the Pascal craft the kiddos made.

This picture below is not from her b-day party, but very special.  Her Great-Grandma (GG Dobbie) gave her birthday money to go buy what she wanted.  We headed off to Toys-R-Us and these are the items she picked out with her money.  She was so excited to get to do that!  Way to go GG Dobbie!

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