Jan 12, 2008

Taryn at 38 Weeks

People have been wondering what the heck I look like, so I've attached a beautiful picture of myself taken on January 5th a little after 1:00am! Don't I look amazing?? I'm totally kidding by the way! That night (or should I say morning) I slept really good. I've found that if I go to bed early to wake up early, I don't sleep as well. It's been working better for me to go to bed later and wake up earlier. I get better sleep this way. I'm just blessed to still be sleeping at night...I love it!!

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

ok you look beautiful. i miss me some taryn. i keep telling my hubby (chip) that we have to plan a trip to nashvegas b/c i have to see you guys. i'm praying for a quick delivery.