Jan 26, 2009

Forrester/Childers Christmas

We were able to spend the Sunday before Christmas with Jim's family before leaving on Tuesday for Texas. Here are some pictures from our fun time together.

Where are my cousins??

Here they are!!

Getting some quality time together.

These are some of the MANY gifts she got!! :) She loves music. She was gettin' down with her Bee Bop Band.

Nice tongue, T!

I LOVE PRESENTS (said like a psycho)!!! This picture cracks me up!!

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

that last pic looks like you better get out of her way b/c she is either going to eat you or take all your presents. wouldn't you just love to know what is going thru her mind at that time. ha ha!

she is getting so big. i can't believe it.