Aug 25, 2010

Too Much Time...

has past! I'm so sorry I've neglected you!! I've had trouble with my take-with-me-everywhere camera, so I haven't been as devoted to posting stuff on the blog. Here's a little update...

About a month ago, Martha (Jim's mom), Tessa and I went on an overnight roadtrip to Atlanta to meet one of my bestest friends in the world and her family. Here are some pictures from our visit including Tessa meeting a new friend. She was having the best time and I was sweating...seriously! I thought she was going to squish little j's head or sit on him or something horrible. Everything turned out okay. No one was hurt during the making of these pictures! Can you tell she loved it??

Here's j hamming it up for the camera. He's probably saying, "That crazy girl has finally left me alone! Yay!"

I love this girl! We met in 1996 and have been great friends ever since. I was so glad we were able to hook up in Atlanta...they were in town from LA!!

1 comment:

Shea Stringer Long said...

OH Taryn, Tessa would be such a great big sister.
that pic of her with Jude is so precious.
you need to post more pics. I want to see the house.