Mar 7, 2010

Fun Stuff!

Let's start with Chef Tessa...

Okay, now that I've shared that cute picture let's continue. I just found out today that I have more than my parents reading this blog...who knew??

Our house is coming along beautifully!! We should be closing in May some time so we're in the home stretch! I'm so excited to be there as it will be a great home to begin building memories in.

I made a trip to LA to see one of my best friends in the world, Holly. :) We had so much fun doing all that touristy stuff. We went to the WB studios (saw the Friends set), went to Holloywood and saw where all the famous people live, and went to a great baby shower in honor of her sweet baby, Jude! It was a wonderful trip and I was so glad to get to see the 'belly.' Jude is due any day now! Sleep now, chica!

The weather this weekend was amazing! We had no choice but to go outside and ride Tessa's bike that she was given for her 2nd b-day back in January by her Uncle Jeff, Aunt Gret, Chris and Livy. It was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures from our time.

Hopefully it won't be another 3 months before you hear from us, but realistically it could be! :) Happy spring and don't forget to spring forward next weekend! We lose an hisss!!


Shea Stringer Long said...

love seeing pics of Tessa.
I read all the time. I can't wait to see pics of the new house.

Jadie said...

Whoa! The blog has been updated!!! :) Love seeing the new pictures!

Jill said...

I cant believe Tessa is big enough to be riding a bike :( She is so precious! We need to make plans to get together soon!