Jul 23, 2008

Yummy Cereal!!

That time has come. The time when Tessa can no longer survive on milk and milk alone. Well, she could, but it sounds so much more dramatic when said like that. Tessa had her first bite of cereal on Tuesday, July 15th!! It was a fun experience! I especially loved it when her arms were flying around and hit the bowl throwing the cereal overboard. What would I rather do at 6 in the morning?? Here is a quick video of her feasting on this yummy goodness called rice cereal.

I forgot to tell you guys we had her 6 month appointment about a week ago and she is still going strong in the weight category. She is 17lbs 12oz and in the 90%. Surprisingly, she didn't shed too many tears after getting her 3 shots this time. What a gal!!

She is becoming much more vocal these days and poor daddy can't get a word in edgewise. Between me and her, well, you guys know!! She's doing better at sitting up and can do pretty well on her own for a while before falling over. What a joy she has been to us thus far!

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