May 10, 2010

Muffins with Mom

This morning we had Muffins with Mom at Tessa's daycare. Originally scheduled for Friday, it was post-poned until today due to the craziness with the floods. Here we are just as we arrived...typical Tessa looking away from the camera! You'll also notice 3 bows in her hair's choose their battles, right? Yep, wasn't worth it this morning!

On a side note, what a blessing to be able to say we didn't have any flood damage to our current home or new home! So many people haven't been that lucky. It's been so sad to see what has happened here, but an amazing story of working together to make a difference. People from all over are joining neighbors, friends, and strangers to help out where they can. A friend of mine that is among those with flood damage said she has cried more in the past few days because of the outpouring of love from people she doesn't even know than of what has happened to her home. I'm so proud of Nasvhille and the surrounding areas!!

On the homefront: we're really on the home stretch now! We have a walk-thru this week, one next week and we close on Friday, May 21st! I can't believe we'll be in our home in a couple weeks. We're so excited!